Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Is The Rarest Littlest Pet Shop Character

Day off

Yesterday I had free, though unwillingly, for I have caught cold, but still free! Yes, you can also catch a cold at 30 degrees. Fault of the fans and the icy air conditioning systems in some stores. Thanks to aspirin and ear drops the unpleasant symptoms had to endure to some extent. Nora, our neighbor has proved both a nurse, as well as cook. She is incredibly attentive and affectionate.
late morning suddenly Peter was snowing with a "surprise" over. Franky, our boss borrows us his high-tech coffee machine, so I will not start without coffee in the day must be - a very loving gesture, we think

neighbor kids

I lay in the shade on the terrace and had to first opportunity to observe the everyday life around me. Nora and her friends give me a first insight into the daily lives of locals . For 50 baht (1.25 €) friends come and friends to enjoy a typical Thai food. She cooks what she herself has an appetite and she cooks good, very good. Since Nora's Muslims, no pork on the table, never mind, we can get crispy pork on every street corner if absolutely necessary.

Ying and actress

at lunch appeared Ying and her fellow painter Bon , a Belgian prospective Dive Masterin, a English actress (which contributes to the current set of the tsunami-film) with her California friend and a few people and we enjoyed Nora Thai lunch.

Nora's kitchen

Young Thuna (tuna) with brown rice and a variety of raw vegetables - toasted coconut flakes Fish sauce and chili emphasize the exotic aroma.

fresh vegetables and herbes

small Thuna

ch I now have an agreement with Nora, she gives me a daily lunch at my desk pool. That was my best "to be ill-Day" so far and today I again occupied my "regular seat at the pool." Guests inquired after my health and Franky of course, a nice feeling is this has

happiness Buddha amulet

Franky the two of us a Buddha gave ( David gets one too, but this is a birthday surprise) - a pendant on a thick chain, which is made by a Monk or blessed and only works when you get paid to him, such holy protection can be do not buy. Now you can go wrong, nothing more. We will Amulet contribute daily and our living Buddhas protection trust.


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