Sunday, February 6, 2011

Carrers Involving Animals

It's fortune

The first videography graduate of 2011 
and already working full time for 
Koh Tao PROvideo. 

David is destined to be as big in the movie business as his felow Austrian cousin Arnold!
When it comes to the assessment of Elliot, David's teacher for videographers, then, David has what it takes, it Arnie his Austrian colleagues to- ; and make himself a name in the film industry.
Not before, but behind the camera!
We wish him all the luck for it and ... that he is the right moment in the right place and know the right people ... learn the is in fact essential for the success ... in addition to talent and hard work. His great goal to shoot for the BBC, GEO and National Geography, he will achieve, we believe in him! Love M & D

Now I'm really inclined to believe that we share some of our dreams and talents with our genes to our children. In my and David's case, at least it seems to be that way. I am pleased and very grateful that we were brave enough together to direct our paths in life a new direction, because there is nothing more satisfying to meet as a task that makes you happy.


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