Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Does Coconut Oil Need To Be Refrigerated

Manfred Habl Autobiographical

autobiography in tabular

Manfred Habl

* 1957 May 25, in Dachau Baptism: Roman Catholic

1958 Pfaffing

1959 "Child care" Pfaffenhofen

1960 Kindergarten Schleifenberg

1961 school Pfaffenhofen

1967 Gymnasium Pfaffenhofen

1970 high school Pfaffenhofen

1975 Education on radio electronics

1979 Grundig Dachau

1980 Bundeswehr Fla. Munich

1981 WEK Grundig

1984 Bundeswehr FlaRak / paramedic staff Munich

1985 BMW Munich electronic technician

1986 alcohol treatment, first solo exhibition of art

1987 Career

Siemens KKH Isar 2 employee Electricity, Kuka Augsburg,
Audi Ingolstadt, Neuburg Rockwool.

training naturopathic psychotherapist, dementia Plege,
occupational therapy - alcohol and drugs, computer operation.

home, husband and father of two children.

since 1988 Vita - ART

art studio's in Ingolstadt, Neuburg, Munich, study tours Greece, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia.
courses, exhibitions and projects at home and abroad.
silk, ceramics, home and gardening, videos, radio, children's and adult education, theater, art marketing, artist
home, Action art, author, video artist.
consultant in art and marketing.


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