Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Treatment For Malar Rash

merry trick Habl Art supporters: deadline expired

deadline expired link to the DK Arikel

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pic Of Tankless Toilets

The deadline for signing such cunning Habl Art

The deadline for signing Colorful list Habl Art

Friday Jan 18, 2008 from 8.00 bis 12.00 clock
Monday 21 . January 2008 by 8.00 bis 12.00 clock
Instantaneous signature as

What am I doing here, is an attempt

"my claim to stand for election"

campaign I can only make a recognized list.

Of what I have prescribed the legislature decides to keep me

The voter, if I am selected. This has nothing to do with his choice or my decision, it is a fundamental right.

Everyone is invited to help me!

PS You can not choose on election day

STAND Thursday

IS 50 (fifty) IS 190 (one hundred ninety)

information Bunte list Habl Art (link)

information of the city under http://www.pfaffenhofen.de/

Because of the renovation of City Hall is the Government pulled out!
in year 2008, the Town Hall is again based!

Until then, you find the 1 Mayor Hans Prechter, the head office and the registry office in the building of Raiffeisen Bank, Main Square 12, 2nd Floor (through the passage and courtyard to the rear entrance).

All other offices and departments are located in the women's road. The services the City Council are open:

Monday to Friday
08.00 bis 12.00 clock

Monday to Wednesday

13.30 bis 15.30 clock (except cash)

Thursday 13.30 bis 17.00 clock (except cash)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wireless Windows 7 Spikes

Colorful pictures HABLE ART

exhibition opening in the employment agency Pfaffenhofen

The exhibition will be on Wednesday the 16 January 2008 in the offices of the Employment Agency Pfaffenhofen, Munich Vormarkt 12, at 13:00 clock opened.
Exhibition to Open mid-April 2008
anwesent is the usual office hours
The artist


Manfred Habl geb.25.Mai 1957 in Dachau

exhibition participations 1985-2008
City Theatre IN, IN Ev.Kirchentag, . Art in the operation (SchmitzND, SCHUBSA IN, Sparkasse IN) Augsburg, Munich, Bochum, Offenbach, Montreux, Carrara, Dubrovnik, Belgrade, Split, Thesalloniki, Barcelona
solo exhibitions from 1986 to 2008
Ingolstadt, Beilngries, Dubrovnik, Pfaffenhofen, Dachau, Munich, Augsburg, Riedenburg, Eichstätt
marketing, advertising, business consulting,
writer, actor, video, performance art, Internet
wood, ceramics, silk, oil, watercolor, interior design, gardens, living concepts, playgrounds
Tutor, analysis, assistance, addiction counseling, life coaching
business art consulting
practice and office equipment
permanent loans
construction supervisor
video production
Professional Vita
radio electronics, San soldier, author, maintenance, production, management, operating computer.
responsible for the content Habl Manfred Habl_Kunst_Galerie part of Habl_Kunst
prices on request 08441/785480 or e-mail manfred.habl @ t-online.de

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dark Sofa On Dark Wood Floors?

merry trick Habl-art [SIGN WHEN WHERE HOW]



Mon-Fri 8 -16.30 Clock

Sunday Jan 13, 2008 10-12 Clock

Thursday 17 January 2008 8 to 20:00 clock

LAST TIME Monday 21 January 2008 12.00 noon clock

your signature has nothing to do with your award votes in the election. A signature on our list just says that you are always ready to accept an electoral alternative in the production facilities and give our candidates the chance to do that they are elected and therefore actively in the local elections in 2008 and to cooperate for the good of your community can.
your decision on election day is completely independent of your signature. There is no influence or connection between the two. And we can not see who has signed.

Government in Raiffeisenhaus square back entrance
second Stock room 2005

must sign all voting citizens Pfaffenhofen

- the list is under lock and key -

visible only to the signatories or city officials in the clerk's office. (Secrecy) Election 2008 direction

more questions please to Mr. Erdle city lawyer and Returning Officer
Florian.Erdle @ stadt-pfaffenhofen.de

at City Hall (Raiffeisenhaus main square in the back door of the passage) 2nd floor Zi.205
takes ~! 15 minutes for review in the computer, which is unfortunately not as fast alongside!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Can Krusteaz Be Used As Baking Mix?

merry trick Habl-art colors and colors of Forest Park

Colorful list Habl-art colors and colors of Park Forest
http://bunte-liste-habl-kunst.blogspot.com/2008/01/bunte-liste-habl-kunst-farbenpark- und.html


THE COLORS FOREST Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm (LINK)

In area of the old jogging path in the wood grinder can be created without much technical and financial resources is a cultural trail to Gerold Bacher model. A
delineated and signposted Nordic walking distance in the same forest is according to my information from various health insurance even supported financially. Also sporting goods manufacturers have already become curious and have asked about bicycle-road routes.

thoughts of Manfred Habl (Bunte List Habl art)

With these ideas and concepts I'm going for a year beginning with the District of mayor, city council and city manager "peddling". Sponsors have expressed an interest but nothing happens, greet the election date can be.

I will therefore not rich, famous or unhappy (work) are special'm very happy if least a small part of it to life. This is much
subjunctive (would, should, would, could) make the possibility, however, for those of us to live in an area where the other person leave, gigantic.
The purchasing power of tourists and event visitors would do our domestic economic well safe.
The public use of the bunker area including bunkers, the revival of Förnbacher Dult, the island, the main square, a city hall, when I look briefly at the map I find an even more secure.


But I need your support

Such ideas would make me strong for you that I Pfaffenhofen is still livable and lovable. With your signature for the B u n t e list Habl art was already the first hurdle!

letter dated 23.10.2007 to the City Council

Manfred Habl
Wittelsbacherstraße 8
habl_kunst 85276 Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm


Informal list of Manfred Habl

- Bunker-art studio habl_kunst the telegraph room
- Exhibitions-image-sound-text (committed in groups of visitors)
- guides school groups and other
(max. 15 pers.) - Seminars
- documentation collection to the "Cold War" (external working group)
- Use of the bunker site on events (children's parties, Art openings, lectures, concerts, etc.)
- Multiple use by police, THW on schedule
- exploration of the deep well system (water quality) with a possible start-up and new uses (Water Authority)
-? Roof emergency exit (service shaft - 2.Eingang-emergency exit ) -> is also used for better natural ventilation
- Installation of a (used) spiral staircase as a second escape route
- ect ice rink skating area - Use of the meadow above the vaulted bunker roof as a meeting space (possible Earth exploration of the concrete roof as a foundation for a clubhouse - [finished products]. )
- Find partners - universities, sponsors, organizers)

- Establishment of a club hopper friends etc.

Stand 23.10.2007

Manfred Habl

Bunker site (LINK ) http://www.geodaten.bayern.de/BayernViewer/index.cgi?rw=4463730&hw=5377910&layer=DOP & step = 0.5

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Parabolic Antenas Best

merry trick Habl-art local elections 2008

Colorful list Habl-art local elections 2008

Open letter to the citizens of the city and the district Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm

By Manfred Habl

"Why should I sign for you, who are you, this is a new Party who does otherwise, with still, have you even a program?

That was the phrase I've heard in recent days over again and I will hereby give a few answers.

your signature is always the most important, otherwise I would not even be accepted for local elections (set by law 190 registered voter).

I have spent three quarters of my life in Pfaffenhofen, which is my home and I know virtually every other rock with the first name.

I am not a party but I come in individual responsibility, but by law, in the form of a list.

I have creative solutions to common problems.

I step on to the County Council list of assets Independents list ranked 50th
(the square corresponds to my age). You may stop me in the county.

I hit no "gift vouchers" for the future and throw the "old residents" not past their feet.
I see myself more as an independent intermediary between the political worlds of the city and the district of Pfaffenhofen.
I have no homes and businesses with jobs, but my old settlers house with land, which I conversion itself and create. My current job description is home of two children and teachers (managers and taxi dad).
I worked 30 years in various professions and positions me as an artist and author, created a public sphere.
the "art of failure", to learn from mistakes is, to me, like every other human being. If man had always been satisfied, he sat still on the trees and never would have invented the art.
art is a social service, advertising is power because it does and in between I want to give everyone as much space as I do like to have.
courage and honesty are always rewarded, waiting and sitting out is fear of upcoming work.
For me, life is more of a playful discovery, as a rigid serious rules, I try to stay calm and avoid a tense expectation.
I have a heart for smoking, dog owners and angry young people, parents and educators, politicians and civil servants, and all the off-take or do.
"Unusual solutions for common problems"

example square Pfaffenhofen

A "Art Alley" on the top line of City Hall, Marie fountain and bell tower, with enough room for the weekly market in the trees.
The square in front of the Town Hall should be about the height of the building, and the beginning of a wide path between the rows of trees, a "Pfaffenhofen Rambla" with a "Hallertau well" be rounded. Marie
The fountain is restored to the original plans of Sigi brown and gets its importance as a balancing maternal-baroque city symbol between priest and mayor.
a parasol for the catering on the avenue "Sigl-page describes the ratio of 1 / 3 to 2 / 3 of the square.
A public toilet is not on the main square, but rather the direction of Lion Street, the reconstruction of the Ilmgaukaufhauses makes sense. A non-urban management and application, such as at motorway service stations reduces the cost, because these needs may differ from Trade and industry are met.
A calming of traffic (other route, no curbs) on the upper main square there allows the continuation of a boulevard in the direction of Church Square and Meeting House. The average speed decreases, the curve is eliminated and the grass parking search traffic is clear.
The forthcoming renovation of St. John Church Babtist (tower, foundation walls, roof) is the simultaneous transformation of the Upper Main Square actually logical.
The stressed trees from this area can temporarily go into "holiday" and to recover for new tasks.

Other studies and project ideas you can the Internet at "habl-art" to read or make.

I wish you and me a beautiful and colorful life

Manfred Habl

PS (and the courage to sign)

Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, 6 January 2008

(responsible Colorful list Habl art, Manfred Habl)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Examples Of Science Fair Projects On Paper Towels



Personal invitation


B U N T E LIST HABLE ART City Council candidacy for local elections
Pfaffenhofen 2008


approved order with my colorful list for election at all to be, I need adIlm 190 (one hundred ninety) signatures of voting citizens, the city of Pfaffenhofen.

The signature can ONLY at City Hall

(Raiffeisenhaus square back entrance municipality 2nd floor)
be made. (This must have ID)
The list is secret, the contents are only for the returning officer (city lawyer) determined.

If you want to help me move in Pfaffenhofen something, you support me with your signature.

For questions about me and ideas into a program, I am happy to help.

Manfred Habl
Wittelsbacherstraße 8
85276 Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm
Tel 08441/785480


I wish you a beautiful life

http://www.manfred-habl.de Manfred Habl

Does Coconut Oil Need To Be Refrigerated

Manfred Habl Autobiographical

autobiography in tabular

Manfred Habl

* 1957 May 25, in Dachau Baptism: Roman Catholic

1958 Pfaffing

1959 "Child care" Pfaffenhofen

1960 Kindergarten Schleifenberg

1961 school Pfaffenhofen

1967 Gymnasium Pfaffenhofen

1970 high school Pfaffenhofen

1975 Education on radio electronics

1979 Grundig Dachau

1980 Bundeswehr Fla. Munich

1981 WEK Grundig

1984 Bundeswehr FlaRak / paramedic staff Munich

1985 BMW Munich electronic technician

1986 alcohol treatment, first solo exhibition of art

1987 Career

Siemens KKH Isar 2 employee Electricity, Kuka Augsburg,
Audi Ingolstadt, Neuburg Rockwool.

training naturopathic psychotherapist, dementia Plege,
occupational therapy - alcohol and drugs, computer operation.

home, husband and father of two children.

since 1988 Vita - ART

art studio's in Ingolstadt, Neuburg, Munich, study tours Greece, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia.
courses, exhibitions and projects at home and abroad.
silk, ceramics, home and gardening, videos, radio, children's and adult education, theater, art marketing, artist
home, Action art, author, video artist.
consultant in art and marketing.

Pic Russian Bare Forum

Colorful list Habl-art "voting procedures local elections 2008"

Here are some important information for local election
More is about to read through the link below.

the approval of a list for election must be sufficiently by many citizens of the community will be confirmed.

Pfaffenhofen 20-30000 residents 190 signatures

first What Wahlssytem is turned in the local elections on-

-proportional representation with open lists

second What features are important?

Several parties and groups of voters can make
Connections list.
No explicit threshold
accumulating and cross-voting
Vorkumulieren (candidates can double or triple
on a list) are

third What cumulative mean and cross-voting?

In Accumulate (from Latin cumulus - heap) or
also ridging is the ability for people
More votes voting systems, several voices
be able to give to a candidate in order to improve its
position within an open list.

Accumulate is a possible detail of the
vocalization in people with open
electoral lists and is often associated with the possibility of cross-voting

vote splitting (queen of panache - mix)
is the possibility for people - multi-choice voting
systems with free list his votes on candidates
data of different lists to distribute.

Vote-splitting is a possible detail of the vocalization
with open lists, and often comes here with the possibility of cumulating

second Vote and stand for election?

a, choose who may (right to vote)

asset is entitled to vote at any EU citizens, under 18
has reached the age, to stay for at least three months
in the constituency with the focus of her life
relations, and are not excluded under Article 2
GLKrWG from voting.

b, who can be elected?

for the election (electoral rights ") to the local council member, county council and voluntary
first mayor of six months minimum stay
in the community / district are necessary. Mayor
and district candidates must be the 21 AGE-
ends and have to be German.

third What are Connections list?

combined list; Listen to a concentration of
larger unit, which competes in an election.

So close in the general election, the state lists
a party to a "federal list together and
connect in the first step as a list. In the second step
is then a sub-allocation to the various associated

Better surplus votes Utilization:
If an unfavorable for small parties process as
as the Divisor with rounding down (D'Hondt / Hagenbach
-Bischoff), is used arises, the parties and lists have a
advantage when they join forces . Clearly, we can
illustrate the fact that the otherwise lost
surplus votes of the lists of a compound
be summarized and more seats can be good.

However, if a neutral means, such as the
is Divisor with standard rounding (Sainte Laguë) uses the
rate procedure with remaining seats after the largest remnants
(Hare-Niemeyer), no advantage for a
related or unrelated party expected (as
currently in the parliamentary elections), in some cases it may be advantageous for a party
or prove to be harmful.
The damage can arise because a list at
residual votes for half a seat by rounding up
can get a whole seat for it. When two parties with
rest half a seat, is a remnant of a lost party.

4th Seats after operands:

a; town and cities

b; district council election

5th Counting procedures to de Hondt

votes clearing

All votes of a list together.
The number of seats obtained by following the divisor method with rounding
(d'Hondt). Connections list
apply it in the primal step as a list. The sub-
distribution is again after the Divisor with
rounding (D'Hondt).

7th When are local elections instead?

* every 6 years

7th Additional support for a real choice behavior
they can be read at the following link. There you will find
2 information sheets on the upcoming election in
pdf - format for downloading. If you do not have
-depth information, they can always
also to the respective parties or voter community
business communities locally. Please note that this case be-true
generously give information. kommwahl_2008.pdf

the links to more detailed information


local elections in Bavaria on 2 March 2008

With thanks to Max B.für help

Manfred Habl - Colorful list Habl Art -