Thanks to my encounter with a stroke I start now, delving deeper into the species to deal with. I want to find out who they are, where they live and how they react. Literature there are enough pictures and studies of poisonous snakes .
(Clockwise from top left) Poisonous snakes in Thailand: Gelbgebänderter Krait, redhead Krait, Pope's Bambusottter, king cobra, Maly's moccasin pit viper, Monokelkobra.
The Malaysian pit viper moccasin is really aggressive, very fast, very vicious and very poisonous. They, too, can find virtually anywhere. Although it is most active at night, it can be also active during the day in light rain.
The Monokelkobra turn is both nocturnal and diurnal. Only when threatened it sits up and hisses, to behave calmly take them quickly to escape. Your color can all shades from pale beige to have dark brown and gray.
The bamboo species of otters fall on their usually deep green color. They are nocturnal, very fast, very aggressive and come very far. By day they hang in trees and sluggish at night they move forward on the ground.
The gelbgebänderten Krait can be found both in surface as well as in the hill country and often in waters. They avoid sunlight, and always try to flee into the darkness. They are poisonous, but usually beißfaul. They are also cannibals, because their predominant food are snakes.
The redhead Krait inhabited rain forests in mountainous and hilly regions, and they feed mainly on other snakes. They are very rare, and they are light-shy and nocturnal, beißfaul, but due to the lack of speed and its very strong poison to be extremely dangerous.
The most dangerous snake is still the king cobra . The largest so far had a fabulous Measured length of 585 centimeters. Normally, however, they reach "only" a length from 400 to 450 centimeters. King cobras can find almost anywhere, they can climb and swim well and move quickly forward with an upright upper body. Although often described as aggressive, but they are rather shy and not aggressive. However, their venom can kill not only people (without treatment), but water buffalo and even elephants.
Pro bite they give a lot of venom from 210 mg, 15 mg already are enough to kill a man.
to die from a snakebite's not my preferred mode of death - Buddha should protect me from it.
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