Thursday, May 27, 2010

Infections Increased Heart Rate

protective measures for the PC in the context of file-sharing warnings

Secure your PC is the only advice that we are still in the current issue of liability for File sharing and related copyright cases may issue warnings. This is particularly due to the decision of the OLG Köln 23.12.2009 (AZ.: 6 U 101/09) must be observed. In this decision, the OLG Köln in fact found that the terminal owner is liable of an Internet connection, no matter which of his files to download music from Internet offers. This is until he has done all this to . Prevent From the verdict shows that in every case where the terminal owner can prove not that he has taught other family members adequately, shall be personally liable. The conditions to be mentioned here, are not only the teachings themselves, but also the constant monitoring and also the establishment of countermeasures, such as a firewall, the does not allow downloads.
(...) @ right


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