Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Laser Sailboat Blueprint

LG Köln speaks Lehman victim compensation for New

damages in the amount of € 15,000 must be paid to an investor, Commerzbank, Dresdner Bank to eliminate the effects of Lehman sells certificates had. (LG Köln, Judgement dated 18 February 2010 AZ: 15 O 174/09) The ruling reasons are not yet available.
was in February 2007 to investors under a telephone advice by his advisers at Dresdner Bank, the investment in the Lehman Brothers Global Champion Certificate Treasury Co. BV. recommended. In the center of the dispute was the question of whether the bank advisor has advised investors that the bank from Lehman Brothers for the sale of allowances received commissions. The "Bank advisor" had said that they have their respective information requirements taken into account that the investor would have the brochure "Information on Securities Transactions" provided. The Cologne Regional Court had already in advance of the hearing identify given that there is such, very general information as insufficient looking at.
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