Friday, January 29, 2010

Robert Stanley Designer Ribbon

clause terminating the gas supply for failure to pay the gas bill is ineffective

The Federal Court has ruled that including a clause to adjust the gas supply in case of failure to pay the gas bill is ineffective if the clause of mandatory legal requirements of the general conditions the supply of gas customers is different.
This decision is remarkable and has the view of the law firm attorney general immediately significance in light of the condition of utility plants. In the case decided
used a gas company, the following clause:
"IX. Setting the supply
first E. Others entitled for breach of payment obligations in spite of reminder in accordance with § 19 para 2 GasGVV to stop the gas supply four weeks after the threat to leave [clause 1]. The re-opening in these cases on a regular basis only if the open gas delivery claims and the cost of supply adjustment and the re-opening have been paid in full. "(...) @ right


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