Friday, January 29, 2010

Iron On Embroidery Sheet Blank lock exchange permitted by the landlord. No claim for compensation for use

tenants can breathe in the future: another law was passed, which is contrary to the tenant and the landlord in his restricts freedom of action: According to new tenancy, it is landlords are no longer allowed to perform without further exchange of a lock in an apartment. The real estate reports on the new law.
Until recently it was possible to landlords to carry out a lock replacement without losing the right to compensation for use. According to the verdict of the Berlin Court of Appeal in the future will no longer be possible. Previously, the lock exchange was declared because of rent arrears by the Higher Regional Court in Karlsruhe declared illegal. In the case of the owners had the apartment ( ) his client issued a dismissal. This, however, refused to move out. As a consequence of the property owners had to replace the locks and filed a claim for compensation for use of former residents.
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Robert Stanley Designer Ribbon

clause terminating the gas supply for failure to pay the gas bill is ineffective

The Federal Court has ruled that including a clause to adjust the gas supply in case of failure to pay the gas bill is ineffective if the clause of mandatory legal requirements of the general conditions the supply of gas customers is different.
This decision is remarkable and has the view of the law firm attorney general immediately significance in light of the condition of utility plants. In the case decided
used a gas company, the following clause:
"IX. Setting the supply
first E. Others entitled for breach of payment obligations in spite of reminder in accordance with § 19 para 2 GasGVV to stop the gas supply four weeks after the threat to leave [clause 1]. The re-opening in these cases on a regular basis only if the open gas delivery claims and the cost of supply adjustment and the re-opening have been paid in full. "(...) @ right

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hyatt G4 Replacement Light Shades

Opel can toy cars as Opel copies does not prohibit

Opel loses before the Federal Court.
The applicant, the Adam Opel GmbH, owner of a motor vehicle registered design mark and toys, which reflects the Opel Blitz sign.
She opposes the sale of a radio-controlled toy cars of the defendant. Has
In a preliminary ruling of the Court of the European Union decided that, if the relevant public as the identical mark on the toy model cars Indication understand about it, these were from the applicant or any of its affiliated companies economically.
It has assumed that the public perceives the reduced on a large original image of a vehicle in place attached to brand as part of the model car and they expect neither the manufacturer of the real he was going to have on economic, especially royalty contractual relations between the producers of the model and the toy model.
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Riccar Vacuum Price Paid

Auer Witte Thiel: collection no rip-off, but is a necessary instrument for liquidity management

Auer Witte Thiel: D & B Payment Index shows continued high delinquencies
Munich, January 2010: Despite the end of the year expected economic expansion in Germany, the default rate will remain at a high level. The firm Auer Witte Thiel informed about the means of collection and notes the industry against charges of rip-off in Protection: Serious debt collection companies operate no rip-off, but are an important instrument of the Liquidity & # 228; tsmanagements.
The latest figures, the information service D & B shall be submitted in December 2009, speak for themselves. As the "D & B Payment Score" shows, reaches the payment practices in Germany, despite a slight improvement in the second half still only alarmingly low levels. Thus, according to D & B end of 2009, approximately 20 percent of the bills either on time or not even paid for - and brought the companies concerned so that in many cases, significant economic difficulties.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


BGH: name used for Internet newspaper is nucleated same violation compared to print edition is

including the first civilian responsible for Competition Law Division of the Federal Court has ruled (Case No.: I ZR 47/07), that an Internet newspaper to essentially similar act of infringement as a print medium is of the same title.
The defendant obtained against the applicant in the past injunctive title with which the applicant was forbidden to publish newspapers as the "Eifel Zeitung. Some years later, the applicant registered the domain " " and gave out here in an online newspaper.
The defendant argued that the applicant is contrary to the online newspaper "against the title of the district court injunction. The applicant regarded this as a breach of the title, and omission of clarification brought declaratory action.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Horrorscope Vs Artifact

scandal involving secondary activity of the Görlitz EX-GDR and current OSTA. Matthieu Sebastian pointed to

Görlitz, Fri, 01.01.10 14:36
for the official notification to a press inquiry for Nebent & # 228; ACTION of the Attorney Sebastian Matthieu is a lie. In an email reply from the spokesman Tim Neumann said of the prosecution in Görlitz following:
The Saxon State Ministry of Justice and European, your letter of 10.12.2009 here presented for response.
I note that Mr. Attorney Matthieu never a "sports reporter" for the Dresdner Morgenpost's existence.
to answer the other questions is therefore unnecessary.
Sincerely '
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Friday, January 1, 2010

Blackout Fabric Screen Frame

We give you a good and successful year 2010!

Boesel, Kohwagner & colleagues wü ; you wishes a happy and successful 2010 and pleasant holiday. We thank you in this way for the pleasant cooperation, the trust placed in us and for the interest in our published article.
In 2010 we will be particularly on issues of economic, Internet and Online Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law again like to advise you.
If you still have holiday, they still enjoy these quiet days, because in 2010, a number of interesting decisions, and implementations of EU directives to be expected. In early January, pending a decision of the Supreme Court, whether application of a product with a guaranteed promise without information on the warranty is anticompetitive.
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