Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm In Love With My Babysitter

Roof Music speaks through the Waldorf Lawyers Warnings of the audio book? Amore and bullshit like this from

a warning to the Waldorf got lawyers?
This is unfortunately not unique. Currently, the Waldorf
remind lawyers on behalf of the Roof Music Records and Publishing Ltd. for copyright infringement on peer-to-peer networks on the audio book "Amore us bullshit like" ex. Background of the claim it had been in a so-called barter exchange on the Internet copyrighted material without authorization to upload made available. This copyright infringement should have been documented by reliable evidence Antipiracy company be. The Waldorf
lawyers are asking for records and publishing Roof Music GmbH to deliver an imitator with the requirement that any future violation of the rights holder a reasonable to pay penalty in principle and the payment of a lump sum of EUR 806, - for damages, cost of employing the lawyers and the cost of data collection.
(...) @


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