Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lower Back With Loose Stools

The sex slavery in Germany and Switzerland - a state enterprise

The sex slavery came into my life with the brutal end of a short but very pleasant acquaintance with one of the many Hungarian women, who worked in the city of Leipzig as a prostitute. The woman was taken away by her boss and never easy to Leipzig returned. My original confidence that it is not about sex slavery in the Hungarians went (they were the majority were in Leipzig and Halle working women and some of their homes near the police stations), anyway gechüttelt by some moments of my connection (described below ), disappeared completely and I began to establish contacts in the sex industry to the reality of the Hungarian women to know. The results were not long in coming.

The situation of women

All in Leipzig and Halle working Hungarian women "belong" to a Hungarian pimp who beats her often brutal in the presence of German women. "He is so small that when you see it, you'll hardly believe that he is a pimp. But as he beats the women ..... real pig! "Really were the words of the German woman who told me about the violence against the Hungarians. The most widely used technology shocks are in the back of the head of the woman. On the one hand, no traces remain of the violence and the woman can continue to purchase, on the other hand, it is very dangerous and painful, especially for women. In principle, a prostitute subjected to violence in order to enable its total exploitation by they are forced to maximize their income and to assign all of the necessities to live on the pimps. The Hungarian pimp Organization has solved the problem offfensichtlich very successful and here are the main outlines of the solution:

The Hungarian women are forced to carry out any orders of their pimp immediately and without questions. For example, they are not allowed to discuss work plans or to ask for their amendments. These women work 16 hours a day for months (which you can see in erotic seven days a week. You have to work even during menstrual periods. To hide these circumstances and to avoid relationships with their customers, these women every second or third week moved to another city in Germany or in Switzerland at cost.

The women have to perform difficult standards. The non-performance is punished, including and especially violence. To meet these standards, the women have different "extras" (ie services that are not part of the normal or normal services are running without protection) services, which are very unpleasant and often dangerous to their health. As they told me "The Hungarians do everything". A confirmation is the Internet Report a satisfied customer, of the 18-year-old Hungarian Kerry following phone-based instruction has her pimp and get obviously against her will sex without protection. This report clearly says that has even the lives of these young women have no value for their bosses. He calls forth the question how much is going on with them with punitive measures if they prefer to risk for HIV infection rather than to refuse to run. The report also says that the women do everything, because they are forced to.

you pay a "daily rate" from EUR 135 (EUR 50 more than the other women who are destined for the main organization in Hungary) and must share with the rest of her pimp, who must cover its operating costs (drivers, cars, gasoline, and accommodation) and will also take profit. In my estimation, these standards provide that the Hungarian side (Organization in Hungary and pimps) midenstens get as much of each woman as the German side - EUR 85, so the standards are at least EUR 200 - 210, of which only EUR 25 -30 remain for women. In Wirkligkeit allowed to them only enough money to cover their living costs. How did one of them, who worked in Switzerland with twice higher prices than in Leipzig said clearly: "You pay something." So the women have all their Transfer income to the pimp, before they get their money from him, after settlement of all their "debt" to him and what he really needs to keep as money can. The policeman, who has led a successful investigation of a sales unit of the same organizations in Augbburg few years ago, wrote about the reward of these women very clear: "Most of the women had to dispose of its entire revenue. ... The women were left only small amounts of money for food and cigarettes. " For this reason, these women do not work for money, but to run their standards and avoid penalties.

If not at least a Hungarian transfer twice as much as an independent prostitute who only pays the rent to the brothel owner can, it is simply beaten.

The Hungarian women are allowed to leave the apartments only with permission. They are actual prisoners without the right to walk. When I went to one of them who spent most of the time in Geneva, mentioned that I've been in Geneva and have admired the lake Geneva with the Fontan, the woman noticed that she had seen nothing of Geneva, including the lake, . The Hungarians in Leipzig also knew not at the city. keep

To the crimes against these women a secret, is It forbids them to make personal contacts and personal life in order to have. They have precise instructions what to tell customers about their situation, and any aversion is severely punished.

The women are subject to strict control, for which the German side is responsible. Thanks to her, says the Hungarian pimp (he is only on Tuesdays and Saturdays to Leipzig) for each woman how many customers they had, how long did they stay with her and how much money must have. The new women work only in premises where there are no women from other organizations so that they can be punished at any time. It takes at least to show them that they have acquiesced in their fate, all instructions execute immediately and have the desired behavior. Because they have a chance for their first short vacation. My impression is that it takes about 2-3 months until they realize their situation and their hopelessness. The organization knows that it will bring very bad news only with the appropriate amount of fear and insight into hopelessness. We speak with the women not much, they learn their realities of the blows, get them and their colleagues and the accompanying explanations and instructions. How else can a 20-year-old woman who is convinced citizen in a democratic country to be declared, that it is de facto no longer a man but a slave?
Because of the absence of the pimp for most of the time, the new women as a rule divided into pairs and if one violates the regulations of the pimp and the other did not report it, both are equally punished. Certainly every
may not fold the Hungarian women. They are totally lawlessness.

The woman, for which I was wrapped up in this situation (she worked under the name of Lili, and had visited more than three years Leipzig) has never been told about their situation or complained - she was not used to it and as I realized later that had no meaning. In our one dinner (I felt the control of women themselves, for a few days later, she had to leave the city forever), she mentioned it, that she took heart drops (she was barely 30 years old!) And that with strenuous situations they as much as possible tried to sleep, apparently in order to recover at least a little time from their reality. From some of her movements, I realized that she had often tried to avoid shock. What also impressed me about her was that she did not tolerate her head touches the rear. Later, it became clear to me that the many had strokes at this point you also leave a psychological trauma. could
The procurement of cheap phone cards for talks with Hungary was a major problem for them and their friend because they do not walk out and they were very grateful to me if I bought tickets for them. For decency, they were always on the cards to pay themselves. I once asked Lili if she had health insurance because I had just visited her twice after she had "extras" made (it felt terrible afterwards) and she said she hoped nothing would happen (which it was left else?). I have found that these women are not on the text of their Sexwerbungen, so the services they offer apparently knew. Access to the Internet, they did not have. At dinner, where their colleague and best friend attended from childhood (I had prepared the food and there was in her apartment), I'm the hungriest man ever seen in my life. They had many visits, Lili was the second Hungarian in popularity, her friend was portrayed as a former porn queen, but it was seen that they both lived very poor. At this lily told me without being asked, that they had everything, but I knew her well enough to understand that this was only an expression of their Bekümmerung for their future. During the dinner the friend received a customer. Lili said, with pity, that the old gentleman called very unpleasant benefits and Michelle would have difficult time. I could not find any explanation of why this modest to make a very pleasant presence of women would such a thing, because both were determined not greedy. Now I know that they, like any of the Hungarians had no choice. At dinner, I noticed that Lili was an excellent housewife. In her former life she must have thought of family rather than prostitution.
Both had dinner at her bathrobe. They were brought up well and I felt her embarrassment, but apparently they were not allowed to wear normal . Who

During the bird flu epidemic, as a suitor had written in the forum that some of the Hungarians had the flu, Lili and her friend were not very worried that they may earn less but whether they would perform their standards.

When I asked Lili, why they are not self-made, she said verblöfft "How I will return to Hungary," I asked for an explanation, but she had to speak to more fear. The same thing happened when, after a very nice moment between us and saw no connection with the events that nothing could happen between us. I she asked about the cause but it was silent again. She made the remark on the way to the room where her pimp had arrived. For me it was obvious that they did not want to be prostitutes. Now I know what I thought at the time only: Lili, as the other Hungarian women were, forced prostitution and sex slave and could not decide on their lives. She and her "ladies" were in total lawlessness fate.

the pimp I have never personally seen, only heard him speak with Lili (he had very strong and unusual for a man's voice). I understand Hungarian language, but his expressions were very short and the Sound after they were suggestions only. A greeting I have not heard. It limited the human handling of these women to the absolute minimum - to commands.

Meanwhile, a comparison between the new and old photos of my Bekanntin clearly witnessed by the extremely difficult life of this beautiful and very nice woman.

A day before I met Lili, I wanted to visit another Hungarian. Her colleague, which I opened the door, gave me the typical character with his hand, that the situation was bad and suggested to me after a-two hours to come back. Since the apartment was on the Permosenstraße, about 100 m away from the police station, I thought that perhaps the women had been squabbling and decided not to come back. I had heard no Larm. When I got to know the reality of these women, I remembered that the day was Saturday - the day that the pimp was in town and with the women "worked". You either had to respond to the ringing of the building door or the woman could not get in shape. And the woman at the door actually looked embarrassed but not angry and anxious.

work in the homes of brothel operators Jens Kottke alongside the Hungarians some Romanian women, a Romanian pimp "Belong". Since they are constantly in Leipzig and Halle, I witnessed how they have worked about 6 months without a day off 16 hours a day. You do not do everything, but the German woman had told me that they will be beaten repeatedly, including when they are not getting rid of their clients ahead of schedule. For maximum profits, German brothel owners require their Ostpartnern that work, "their" women every 7 days a week. This can be achieved only through coercion. This demand and the demand for "diversity" of women generate a lot of violence.

as confirmation of the written word from me, I recommend the lecture "The situation of prostitutes in the International Trafficking by the head of judicial police in Augsburg Klaus Bayerl. This is the only honest description of the situation of forced prostitution in Germany, which I have read (and I've searched a lot), written no doubt by a police officer with professional and personal capacity. In it, he also describes the treatment of women in a small Hungarian unit sales of the same Hungarian organization with about 100 women, against which was a few years, a successful investigation carried out that resulted in severe sentences. So, as it is about proven facts and crime.

The pimps organization

It is a very strong, very well-connected and flexible Hungarian organization. The main structure is located in Hungary. It deals with the recruitment of prostitutes and let the people destined for export goods for EUR 50 per day to the Country Manager for its own account acting bosses of active European sales units. The EUR 50, paid by the Hungarian women in Leipzig more to "rent" have the same determination as the EUR 50, which should be the women of the organization in Augsburg for the main organization in Hungary. The pimp of Hungarian women in Leipzig is responsible for Germany and Switzerland and "busy" in my view, up to 1000 women in both countries, of which over 100 are always active in the cities of Leipzig, Halle and Geneva. The number of prostitutes who work for the organization - it speaks to thousands of women with physical data that are above the average, the fact that the organization controls the Hungarian porn industry (not just many of the women are advertised as porn stars, but many of the women from the website work in Leipzig and other cities in Germany and Switzerland for the pimp), the question whether this organization without the support or control of key decision-makers (which are not dependent on government constellations) could work in Hungary, leading to the conclusion that there can be only one such organization in this country. As there are offentsichlich for this organization has no police and law in Hungary (otherwise under thousands of women would at least show some or react to their families would), it is to recruit for them easily and cheaply vulnerable women (Mr Bayerl hints at it and he has 5 cases of recruitment has been documented). The real limitation seems to be the market demand. The only recruitment event, which I personally know (no it's about Lili), one of the cases in which the words of Mr Bayerl "the women believed their poor social situation to have overcome." Only in the car, even in Germany, the women learned that they no dancer (she loved to dance and did it very well) but would be prostitutes. And the already mentioned Kerry is inexperienced described in another report as a total customer, compromising their voluntary prostitution in question.
The unlimited possibilities and power over the recruitment of women and the additional fixed costs lead to tremendous exploitation and brutality towards women, with no consideration Referring to their health and life. The cruelty to women comes from the exceptionally high standards set by the main organization and of the agreements with foreign pimps structures to be joint ventures for joint exploitation of women is against market access. Since one of the Hungarians offered no financial motivation to work, violence and fear of violence and sanctions the real motivation to work. Violence in this organization, as in all organizations of forced prostitution is the way to drive the business. The pimp who beats women is but the exporters of this cruelty and fulfills the functions of a supervisor. Actually it may take only a very limited choices about women. He is independent for two reasons: first, that he himself paid the EUR 50 for the women who do not perform their standards, and secondly, because of his criminal violence functions do not recognize him as his bosses to their employees. The universal norms and rules leave no room for differences in the situation of women in the various distribution units and the level of brutality against them is about the same. Any small differences are due to the partner and brothel owners on the price level.

The Hungarian pimp organization with contempt for any human rights standards and the very existence of their slaves (this existence I feel more like a living death) to maximize the profits it exercises sponsors. My personal experience shows that it exploits these women until they can perform the standards. The obscure but very important question is how is going on with them when they become unfit for prostitution, provided that one has unlimited power over them and there is almost always used this power brutally.
BKA and Fedpol

decided after taking my familiarity with the situation of women I have to do anything to help them.

all Hungarian women to work in Leipzig and Halle in apartments owned by the local Sexindustriegröße Jens Kottke. He is known for his very close contacts with the local authority, which they get favorable contracts in real estate. Kottke controls about three quarters of the red-light scene in Leipzig and Halle. A police spokesman said proudly, Leipzig is firmly in German hands and it should be. The German woman who told me about the violence, mentioned that the police never enters the homes of Kottke. As I saw on the Internet as some citizens from the behavior of the Hungarians in 2006 had already realized that in order for these women, forced prostitution goes, the police can not or will not see this situation in Leipzig in 2010. Meanwhile some of the apartments are located very close to police stations. The Hungarians were happy but not over, because one has asked me to take care of them because the phones are tapped periodically into the flats.

For these reasons I have decided to turn to BKA. But as I also had some concerns at the federal level, for security reasons I did this through an international contact and so I came in connection with Dietmar Schmidt, who is in charge of BKA Organized crime and human trafficking and me as the "good was recommended man "in BKA. I also contacted the Federal Police of Switzerland (Fedpol). On 12 April, I spoke by telephone with a police officer and mentioned its existence to him my personal details and my e-mail address given. Only about 4 hours later I received email from a beat Humbel, who introduced himself as responsible for the management of trust Fedpol informers. I was surprised that I was already before the delivery and testing of the quality of my information confidant of Fedpol (I had told only question that there is a large Hungarian pimp organization was) but since the details of my Kontakversuche to Fedpol agreed and only could originate Fedpol, I decided that Fedpol knows better than me.

After waiting a few emails I forward to the appointment of an appointment in Bern.

Meanwhile, on 22 April the first meeting with Dietmar Schmidt and his partner instead. Their questions were mainly connected with me - if I worked for any organization that was if I had been working for intelligence agencies, why I was picked up by the third page, etc. Contact with BKA Schmidt wanted to have my passport to see for sure to which countries I had traveled. My passport was new, and perhaps the most important question for the police - any links with foreign institutions and organizations remained open.
Dietmar Schmidt asked me if I had taken parallel contacts and I mentioned Fedpol without mentioning any name. He said he had to "beat" have spoken and they had likely that I would send all the information BKA, which would forward the information to specific Fedpol Switzerland.
interest to the actual topic of the meeting was not visible.

On 27 May I cried Dietmar Schmidt to find out if BKA would do something about the pimp organization. He replied that could not start a BKA investigation, because he and his partner had found no evidence of criminal offense. I noticed that as far as I knew exactly why investigations were undertaken to find evidence and said that even my personal experience with my Bekanntin was taken as an object that represents criminal offense. Very angry, said the police officer that he could not help my Bekanntin because she wanted no help. I was asking him here if he had spoken with Lili or her pimp, but since he had calmed down and said that if his colleague is coming back, they are both superior to make what could be and he would call me, I decided to wait.

cried after that conversation I Fedpol to speak to Beat Humbel and find out the attitude of the Swiss police. It turned out that in Fedpol no employees with the name Beat Humbel was neither beat nor Humbel. None of Fedpol used the e-mail address from which I had received the e-mail. It was clear to me that "Beat Humbel" a Vortäuschungskreatur least Dietmar Schmidt and BKA was and it was clear to me that the BKA pimp organization actually supported.

was in this situation for me is the question as BKA had used my information. I remembered that a few days after the meeting, the friend of my Bekanntin that periodically in a brothel Villa Royal in Münster, from then disappeared for ever (I had to attend the meeting and it my intention to speak ausggedrückt). Two Hungarian women who worked in Leipzig and in Switzerland, were not returned, although Leipzig was in their work plans. Again I had no explanation other than that my information had come from BKA to the pimps.

On 2 June was held a second meeting. For security reasons I had decided, my knowledge of the proper role of BKA to suggest not - I had not had time to share my information with anyone.
The first question was if I had news. Since all the news would end up with the pimps, I said that I, in despair over the failure of BKA, had himself given up.
I was told that the prosecutor would make no determination as BKA could show no evidence of criminal offense. They recognized that they had searched for evidence only in BKA's own resources (that is, almost nothing had been done) to inform on the pretext that I had asked on the first date, the Leipzig police about my appearance not. But I had given them a list of brothels in at least 20 German cities where Hungarians developed by the organization. The most important thing was that the German police had a successful investigation of the same organization in Augsburg.
Also the customer report on the forced unprotected sex from Kerry seemed no reason for the determination of the German authorities to be.
Otherwise, there was widespread to me that it so "is a man who is so busy," which is meant the Hungarian pimp (is banned in Germany, the pimping!) And the quality of my information was not in question.
I was told that any statements of women as evidence and reason would be subject to investigation and I was asked if I could bring one or two women to the statements in BKA. I did not know if you just made fun of me or wanted to move into a trap and said that only the Hungarian pimps could do. I noticed a brief confusion - could be that my response had something to do with reality, and in any case not part of the rescue of women.
While my interlocutors as good as almost anything they made about the organization, for sure they had found in the meantime that I was a loner. Unlike the first meeting was her behavior this time quite open. Dietmar Schmidt said clearly that he had understanding for the decision of the Hungarian pimp, put my Bekanntin not to return to Leipzig, because they had acted unprofessional. His colleague remarked, half funny and half-threatening, that I should rather not try, cause determination based on the interruption of my contacts with Lili, because they know I could not say what she would. Both made it clear to me that they knew exactly which German woman had given me information on the violence against the Hungarian women, and that I was talking to her, no more contacts. The suggestion of their eventual statements was the same as for my Bekanntin. BKA had actually worked very well with the city.

The meeting gave me the impression that not only BKA did nothing against the organization and was responsible for the control of women, but had a very important announcements about their treatment. This impression was also of the press reports in the Bulgarian and German press about the destruction of Bulgarian pimps ring in Bonn - strengthened Cologne in early August this year, which for me evoked many questions and left the impression that it was not to save the women but their handed over to other Zühälter went. In addition, I do not think that the Bulgarian women had been informed of their rights under Article 6, paragraph 6 of the Palermo Protocol. And the Augsburg report actually confirms my impressions by the negative role of German brothels (perhaps not coincidentally "almost exclusively criminals with close ties to organized crime") in the treatment of women makes clear. This due to the presence of pimps brought by Eastern European women in their brothels the support of the German authorities and especially the police. The great pimp organizations seem to be very successful joint ventures in which one side for the supply and the physical "treatment" of the human commodity jurisdiction while the other side of the market and control of these goods provides.
There was clear to me that the strategy of traffickers especially in the cynical exploitation of the total dependence of their victims has been established. The German judicial proceedings also justify this strategy, because without statements of victims, any prosecution failed.

The only intrigue for me was after this meeting had passed for any reason Fedpol my information to BKA and whether it is in the worst case was a maverick. To reduce the individual risk I decided Fedpol by the Swiss embassy and once more to contact you directly. On 10 June, I visited the consular section in Berlin and presented as the documents with my information. The next day I sent the message to the electronic version of the information with names, that it was for Fedpol. A few days later I called again Fedpol to find out if something was going on. Again, I found myself connected to the trade officials responsible for human (I think his surname starts with "B"). Again he asked to what organization it was, then my name, then instead of giving me an email address so I could send my information, he asked again for my e-mail address and said that you send me an e-mail would. As I said I would check that the e-mail address is Fedpol, I got this time neither right nor wrong e-mail.

I had no doubt that was the fake contact Fedpol coordinated action between the two authorities. I was impressed by their rapid coordination to protect the pimp organization - they had each other in this respect, no secrets. The international Zusammerarbeit by police to protect the sex slavery was outstanding. I remembered how eager Fedpol BKA and my identity, even before I their police records were entered, demanded. It had no intentions Fedpol to get information from me or meet me and still has Fedpol did that. Exactly what I had asked Fedpol not to do - not to give my information to the German authorities, exactly Fedpol had done so BKA took care of my arrest silence. Because of the involvement of a third party but had to talk to me about my BKA information to bring under control.
My treatment shows clearly which each woman has to expect from the organization when they apply to the police for help. And the result is there - a few years earlier in Augsburg, despite the presence of some pimps for control of about a hundred Women made a successful flight, and another four who dared to testify. After the intervention of the German and Swiss police controls only a pimp (with the help of some driver) successfully up to 1000 women because these women know that they have no alternative than to obey and to adjust to their fate. Just like me of Fedpol to BKA "delivered" was, one would provide each of the women in the pimp who tried to escape. And most important - no man, even the best of intentions, can help her. Successful escape against the wishes of the police is simply impossible.
No sacrifice will say if it knows that it is contrary to two (possibly three) states with their police authorities has. So, to combat the opportunities such strong organizations legally, are purely theoretical.
therefore need the slaveholders nothing to fear. In Augsburg, was the last criminal violence level, today it is the first. The pimp has only three boundaries - not to suggest customers to leave no traces, and his own physical capacity.
The involvement of the police also has a third and very important result - the perfect camouflage of the sex slavery. No physical security of women is necessary - even if the police were monitored, where and to whom they escape? And what meaning it has a suitor, the truth to say and to risk getting penalties if he can not help anyway? And the masterful photographs of the women have no idea about their real situation. I admit - if I am not friends with Lili did, I would not even have suspected that's what these women to sexual slavery.

cooperation by federal police and the pimps organization Fedpol calls out to me a few questions: What happened to the five Hungarian women, who testified in Augsburg - they are alive and free? Implies working with the pimp organization registration of Hungarian women in Germany and Switzerland as an independent prostitute try to work with the aim to bring it under the organization? Was the treatment of my appearance at BKA and Fedpol accordance with the requirements of those authorities and, if so, how to ensure you the safety of citizens from these authorities when they want to hand over unwanted / uncomfortable about crime?

was the result of my attempts to help women through the BKA and Fedpol that my Bekanntin and some other Hungarians, with whom I had made contact, had to suffer harsh penalties, as my information came to the BKA by pimps.
The fact that one about nine months after the handover my information to BKA and Fedpol has done nothing speaks clearly about the actual role of the police authorities.

Aid agencies

I contacted two organizations by CATW (Coalition Against Trafficking in Women). As I had reported that not a few of the Hungarians in Germany spoke Italian, I was informed by Mrs. Iroko Onlus Associazione Esoh Agathis that she would inform the competent police force accordingly. Kvinnefronten of Norway took care not at all to answer my two e-mail.
The national coordination group combating trafficking in women and violence against women in the process of migration (COC) has informed me that they will not help the Hungarians because they have to help other women. When I asked whether these women were as numerous as the Hungarians and whether they were in a serious situation like that, I got a positive response. The Hungarians had no luck again, but I was glad that Germany would help this year at least twice as much victims of trafficking in women (the number of Hungarians is higher than that of the rescued victims each year, according to the BKA Statistikken).
anyway I already knew the pimps in Leipzig, I was just, to give women Piskop of Cobra in Leipzig attention. I called it to one on Wednesday and we made an appointment for next Monday. At the meeting, she said the Hungarians had their employment contracts and apparently was for it out the matter. I asked her if she had seen the contracts, but unfortunately got no response. According to Ms. Piskop confirmed the treaties mentioned by the German women's costs of the Hungarians - EUR 135 "rent" plus 50% of the remainder of your income for the "Boss". Apparently, this social worker knew neither Article 181a of the German Penal Code and the Palermo Protocol. Piskop woman said the only problem in Leipzig, was that a German woman had been sold.
I came to the question I had asked all German women's organizations: one could use the report on the unprotected sex with Kerry to meet immediate relief for women (much like the action in cases of family violence) and whether responsibility for could look for this incident of brothel operators or the Hungarians. I had received a response from any organization. The response of Ms Piskop was really strange. She took me to her desk, pretending as if they remember the Internet address of the portal erotic Leipzig could not (hint, that they had it for a long time not visited), so that I should help her. After the portal had opened, she showed me that Kerry was not in Leipzig. This was followed by an explanation and my interpretation of their response with Stalin's view can be summarized as follows: No man - no problem. I meant not only Kerry, because such a situation was everyday life for the Hungarians. Kerry was up to last Saturday was in Leipzig. A day later, I found the portal your woman alone in Halle.
Meanwhile, according to German regulations are prostitutes who were exposed to infection risk, and entitled to medical examinations and treatment, but Kerry, like all Hungarians, had no rights.
Piskop woman said that the country was divided and while Leipzig and Halle, the "Hungarian zone" were, there were many Bulgarian women in large brothels in Dresden. Apparently they knew I was Bulgarian. But I had only given my nationality BKA. The Bulgarians but I could not find, unfortunately.
I had noticed on the Internet, that there were large groups of elite young women from other countries of Eastern Europe which should belong to "central" organizations such as the Hungarian. They came not to Leipzig. Apparently, to avoid competition, they had distributed the land in national 'zones. " After I directed the attention of the BKA and the pimp that in some brothels Hungarian women to work only, while nationality was forged by some of them, I have recently seen some new women in these brothels, which are specified as Czechs and Slovaks. If true, this means that the Czech, Slovak and Hungarian organizations had exchanged some women. This will confirm that which one had told me - that the women treated by the central organization under the same standards, actually abused, be.

In Switzerland, I have contacted Mrs. Eva Danzl from the Women's Information Centre (FIZ). She has neither answered my email or my calls.

I had to realize that women's organizations in Germany (about Switzerland I do not know) actually perform any searches for victims of trafficking in women, but women who have been handed to them by the police, look after.

Amnesty International did not respond to my e-mail and at my request.


Actually, a little common sense and consideration lead inexorably to the conclusion that sex slavery can exist without the support of state authorities in a developed country and thrive. How can to force even a single woman into prostitution against their will, when the streets, the brothels and the ads - that is, all possible distribution channels are controlled by the police. I have no doubt that Fedpol BKA and other central organizations and the women of these organizations know very well and the same concerns regarding the local police authorities all prostitutes, independent and female slaves, and their pimps in their territories.
The Eastern European criminals who they blamed for the sex slavery, are nothing more than supervisors who do the dirty work and pass the money up. Even with today's Standards of sexual slavery may be governmental structures and decision-makers to hide behind them, barely behind the serving them criminals. And impress the Sexwerbungen the untouchable traffickers more and more with their recklessness on the women who clearly speaks of inhumane conditions in the sex industry.

My experience with BKA, Fedpol and women's organizations is a good explanation for the strong growth of the sex slavery in Europe and the paltry results of the authorities in Germany and in Switzerland against this crime, reveal the Statistikken. The last are also the confirmation of my experience. The figures for Germany can be seen in BKA annual reports on trafficking in women. For 2007, there were a total of 714 suspects and 689 victims. So it's all about little pimp with one or two women, many of them husbands or partners of prostitutes are, where it sometimes goes to settlement of family relationships. The main carriers of the sex slavery - the big organizations are not affected. Even compared to the official number of prostitutes with pimps in Germany - about 360 000 women these figures mean that the authorities do nothing against the crime of trafficking in women. The same is true for Switzerland. The Shawshank Redemption in Switzerland are 2, 11 and 5 for 2004, 2005 and 2006. The numbers also mean that to be a pimp with the law risk prosecution in both countries. No risk for the pimps, but also means no chance for their victims.

The result is a fast growing, tax-immune and ever more influential criminal industry in Germany and Switzerland that are predominantly and increasingly on slave labor is mainly from the east. More and more and more disenfranchised women are subjected to systematic violence, forced to work long and unaufhörten days and dangerous for their life and health sexual practices more money for their pimps, brothel owners and others to create even more important people. Comparing these women with the slaves in ancient times, but since the new slavery is unofficial, is their situation worse. First, because they are bought only by people above the law, their price is extremely cheap and thus their lives. Secondly, because you want to keep secret the daily crimes committed against them, these women kept constantly caught and supplemental power to learn and observe the silence. The right to normal life and social contacts they will be forbidden.
As traditional brothels for so much violence and abuse are not likely to be introduced by the private homes en masse. Advanced for the discretion that they provide the suitors, they give discretion actually used the pimps, the "work" in these homes in peace with the women.

it comes to mass violence and cruelty against women, which are in peace time in the history knows any more.

Besides the human tragedy for many young women from Eastern Europe and for their families, trafficking means the eastern European countries, especially in view of its transformation into state-managed industry, already a silent genocide, together with the growing poverty, the existence of most Eastern European Nations into question. This situation is best seen from the murders in Kosovo since the trafficked women for the removal of their organs, done with the knowledge of the secret services and politicians. The young women are demographically the most valuable part of a nation. It's a tragedy when young women need to be because of poverty and lack of opportunities prostitutes. If independent, but together they can save money in some years, returning to normal life and family reasons. Sex slaves but not paid enough to save anything, nor can they go.
Here is the place to emphasize that the few Hungarians who I know personally, the typical Hungarians were generally very good education and some of them seemed intelligent and well trained.

Slavery in Germany and Switzerland, and particularly the role therein disgraced German and Swiss authorities, the rule of law in the two countries, their political system and prestige, the unification of Europe, the political content of the transition in Eastern Europe and the so-called human rights policy.

On 21 November I took the liberty of an electronic letter on to Chancellor Angela Merkel with copies to the political groups represented in the Bundestag and to the Commission's security policy of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland with the relevant documents to send. Until now I've noticed no positive reaction and I do not think that is it will follow a reaction. The mentioned authorities and institutions have carried out their real though illegitimate functions. Sex slavery called trafficking in women, in addition to the drug because of the high profits in cash is the most suitable and preferred to finance not only for personal accounts but also by political parties and their elections.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Knights Bridge Collection Doll Value


I can think of quite what, what is Nettie on her birthday certainly would look forward ...

How Do I Use Preperation H On My Waist To

Dearest Pauli,

super as well thought out but your Christmas calendar is.
only could you know that we just today, 13.12. a veeery special breakfast sandwiches need to start the week happy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Vote Thanks Quotes English

Dearest Lenni,

now you're already 3 days, 4 years old and I can still take it.
Well, I've got one year to get used to it. All the best my
Honey, I love you!